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Frank Robert Flaspohler

Frank Robert Flaspohler is both a practicing attorney and licensed Emergency Medical Technician in mid-Missouri. He has been running EMS calls with the Howard County Ambulance District since 2001. in 2009, he graduated with a juris doctor degree from Loyola University New Orleans College of Law and returned to Fayette, Missouri to open a private law practice. Today, he and Frank Foster work on a variety of cases, with Frank Flaspohler focusing on collection practices and litigation work for EMS Legal Services.


Frank is married to Kathryn Flaspohler, and together, they have three young children, Frankie Kneuven, Gracelyn Louise & Abigail Elizabeth. Frank's family is no stranger to EMS, with Frank's father, Frank William Flapsohler, having served as a paramedic a director of the Howard County Ambulance District for more than forty year.



Loyola University of New Orleans

College of Law

Juris Doctor, May, 2009


Columbia College

Bachelor of Arts, May 2006

Admissions to Practice


United States Supreme Court

January 2017 to Present


Missouri Supreme Court

June 2010 to Present


United States District Court, 
Western District of Missouri

April 2012 to Present

Publications & Presentations


The Missouri Sunshine Law (January 2016)

Presentation materials provided to the Board of Alderman of the City of Armstrong, including updates on important issues relevant to the Sunshine law.


Closing Public Roads (January 2014, 2015, & 2016)

Presentation & training for County Commissioners at the annual state-wide training provided by the Missouri Association of Counties.


All Who Live in Love: The Law & Theology Behind Same-Sex Marriage

Published by the Loyola Journal of Public Interest Law, Winter 2009


Frank Robert Flaspohler also maintains a private practice which can be found at
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