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Working with Other Agencies in EMS

Presentation at the Missouri Ambulance Association Summer Seminar, June 2024

A PDF copy of the presentation slides used during the presentation.

A joint powers agreement between two ambulance districts to share billing services

A resolution approving a contractual agreement and designating a signor

A model petition seeking the annexation of territory into an ambulance district

A regional mutual aid agreement used by EMS agencies in Southeast Missouri

A model ordinance approving the annexation vote

Best Practices for Drafting Handbook Policies

Presentation at the Missouri Public Safety Communications Conference, March 2024

Reviewing the best practices for drafting policies for the emergency service workplace. Topics include compensatory time, wage & hour, FMLA/ADA and reasonable accomodations, social media regulation, alcohol/drug policies and setting clear terms for disciplinary action.

Update on Marijuana in the EMS Workplace

Presentation at the Missouri Ambulance Association Summer Seminar, June 2023

An overview of the history of marijuana regulation in Missouri, including the changes made in 2018 and 2022 to the Missouri Constitution, protecting a right to medical marijuana. This presentation considers what regulations are appropriate in emergency services in this light.

Unliking Social Media in the Dispatch Center

Presentation at the Missouri Public Safety Communications Conference, March 2023

The First Amendment restricts a public employer's ability to limit the free speech of their employees, but the special circumstances of emergency service work make those restrictions unique. Review how social media policies can protect agencies from rogue speech.

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